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  • Star Will Sampson
  • USA
  • release Date 1975
  • 2Hour 13 M
  • tomatometer 9,2 / 10
  • Genre Drama

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One flew over the cuckoo's nest 1975 movie download in italiano 2020. One flew over the cuckoo's nest 1975 movie download in italiano 2007. Every time I watch this film I get a new perspective on life. I learn to appreciate the small things most people take for granted: watching a ball game,playing cards, and going out on a date with a girl. These are basic pleasures of life but these characters in this story are denied these pleasures. Finally one man stands up for his rights, that man is R. P Macmurphy. Mac as his friends call him is portrayed with great gusto by Jack Nicholson, who gives a haunting portrayal as this inmate who wants out of the nut house. Milos Forman directed this film and it is master work. This is great film to watch when you think life sucks because Mac managed to make a nut house into his own private paradise. An all around brillant film.

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One flew over the cuckoo's nest 1975 movie download in italiano

One flew over the cuckoo's nest 1975 movie download in italiano full. One flew over the cuckoo's nest 1975 movie download in italiano 2016. This probably the best movie that Jack Nicholson ever did. His performance outranks anything he has ever done. As Randle P. MacMurphy, he is a convict that just doesn't get along. It is decided to have him checked out at a mental hospital, which to him is a big joyride. He meets some patients there, and soon has them doing things for themselves. He is especially fond of the Chief, played by Will Sampson. The chief has the staff at the hospital beleiving that he is deaf and dumb, and he is neither. MacMurphy is the only one that knows this. He also develops a true hatred for Nurse Ratched (played by Louise Fletcher. MacMurphy shows his dislike for her by constantly breaking the rules. He takes the patients on a bus ride, and then on a fishing trip. He also brings in some women and booze to have a party on the ward. He was already givin shock treatments for interfering in a fight on the ward, and after Nurse Ratched causes Billy to commit suicide, MacMurphy really loses it, and tries to choke Nurse Ratched. It is decided that MacMurphy is dangerous, and he is givin a lobotomy. The Chief, after seeing his friend a vegetable, decides that he does not want the other patients to see him in that condition, and smothers MacMurphy. After this, the Chief escapes from the hospital using the water cooler to break the window. This is in homage to MacMurphy, and is very moving. Again, I say this is the best movie of it's time.

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